Aviation Noise Pollution


Noise pollution is a big issue when talking about airport operations. The noise generated from an airport can disturb the peace of surrounding suburbs and areas. Noise can also be the source of certain health problems.  According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, airport noise can cause lack of sleep which leads to negative changes with how the body functions.

Aircraft noise has been complained about for many years, however, it reportedly worsened in 2015 when the FAA implemented its Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) to modernize how it manages U.S. airspace. As a result of this shift, new approach and departure paths have concentrated flights over neighborhoods not previously impacted” (Cardin, 2022). Since this happened, Congress has been allocating a lot of money that is distributed through the DOT’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP).

As I think about the noise pollution issue, while it might seem to make sense to institute a curfew only allowing takeoffs and departures at certain times, this could have a detrimental impact on airport operations.  On a day when there are weather delays or equipment issues, how do you deal with the crew and passengers that potentially can’t get to their destination because of a curfew?  I think the more successful approach is for the aircraft manufacturers to continue to invest in the design and technology that make planes quieter and for the money being allocated by the government to be used to provide better insulation in neighborhoods and schools close to airports.



Senator Ben Cardin. (2022, July 27). Cardin, Van Hollen, Sarbanes Announce $4 Million to Mitigate Noise for Residents Near BWI Marshall Airport. U.S. Senator Ben Cardin. https://www.cardin.senate.gov/press-releases/cardin-van-hollen-sarbanes-announce-4-million-to-mitigate-noise-for-residents-near-bwi-marshall-airport/
